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Nokia’s NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager

artist rendition of Nokia's NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager

Automating Security for Digital Identities

As organizations evolve in digital transformation, protecting communication and managing digital identities securely is paramount. Nokia’s NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager (NCLM) offers a robust solution to automate and manage the lifecycle of digital certificates, which play a critical role in securing networks, communication, and data. With increasing complexity in network infrastructure, including the advent of 5G and the proliferation of IoT devices, an efficient certificate management system is essential for ensuring operational continuity and safeguarding against security risks.

What is NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager?

NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager is a comprehensive platform designed to automate the management of digital certificates, including their enrollment, renewal, and deployment. NCLM offers a centralized, secure, and cost-effective way to manage public keys and certificates, reducing the risk of costly outages, downtime, and potential vulnerabilities arising from expired or weak certificates.

With NCLM, organizations can gain full visibility and control over their deployed certificate base, automate certificate management processes, and integrate seamlessly with multiple certificate authorities (CAs) and enterprise PKI infrastructures. This ensures that security operations teams can maintain their network’s integrity while significantly reducing operational overheads through automation.

The Role of Digital Certificates in Certificate Lifecycle Management

Digital certificates are the foundation for securing communication, authentication, and authorization between users, machines, and applications. They are widely used across industries such as telecommunications, cloud service providers, and IoT device manufacturers to ensure secure interactions and protect sensitive data.

However, managing thousands of certificates can be challenging, especially as businesses scale their operations. Expired or misconfigured certificates can lead to significant issues, including network downtime, data breaches, or unauthorized access. A report by the Ponemon Institute reveals that 54% of security professionals are unaware of how many certificates their organizations manage, where they are located, or how they are used. This lack of visibility increases the risk of certificate-related vulnerabilities.

NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager addresses these concerns by automating certificate management and providing full control over the certificate lifecycle. This reduces risks associated with outdated or rogue certificates and enhances network reliability.

NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager Infographic 1

Benefits of NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager

The implementation of NCLM brings several significant benefits to organizations, including:

Complete Visibility and Control

NCLM offers a centralized view of all deployed certificates, allowing security teams to effectively manage digital identities across the network. This complete visibility helps to mitigate risks associated with expired or improperly managed certificates.

Enhanced Security Posture

By automating certificate management and ensuring certificates are updated and valid, NCLM reduces the likelihood of security breaches or unauthorized access to sensitive systems. Outdated certificates can be an easy target for cybercriminals, leading to compromised network traffic or data manipulation.

Increased Reliability

NCLM eliminates the risk of service outages caused by expired certificates. Automated renewals ensure certificates are always current, improving the reliability of network services and reducing operational disruptions.

Cost-Effective Automation

Manual certificate management can be resource-intensive and error-prone. NCLM reduces the burden on IT teams by automating certificate issuance, renewal, and deployment processes, freeing up resources and lowering operational costs.

Key Features of NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager

NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager offers a range of features designed to streamline the certificate lifecycle management process:

1. Certificate Enrollment and Renewal

NCLM automates the enrollment and renewal of certificates, allowing security teams to manage certificates across various certification authorities (CAs) seamlessly. Supported CAs include Microsoft CA, Entrust, and Nokia’s NetGuard Certificate Manager (NCM). The platform also supports key pair management, enabling the generation and deletion of keys as needed.

Additionally, templates simplify the certificate enrollment process by pre-populating certificate attributes, reducing the risk of human error. Certificates can be browsed, filtered, and manually imported in PKCS#12 format, providing flexibility in certificate management.

2. Certificate Deployment and Installation

NCLM allows for both automated and manual certificate deployment to target systems. The deployment mechanism is configured using a plugin-based approach, enabling seamless integration with multivendor devices and network elements. Deployment templates can streamline certificate installation and activation by pre-populating necessary parameters.

3. Monitoring and Validation

Monitoring and validating certificate deployment are critical to ensuring network security. NCLM provides a status view of certificate enrollment and deployment, allowing administrators to track the entire process. Customizable email notifications can be set up to alert security teams about expiring or revoked certificates, ensuring that proactive measures are taken before any issues arise.

NCLM also includes a built-in log viewer, workflow-based certificate management, and benchmarking against “gold standard” certificates to maintain high security across the network.

4. Certificate Discovery

One of NCLM’s most powerful features is its ability to scan network ranges and discover SSL/TSL-enabled devices, automatically identifying and managing certificate-based services. This feature allows organizations to control their digital certificates completely and avoid risks associated with unmonitored or forgotten certificates. Automatic imports into NCLM further streamline the management process, and network scans can be based on specific IP addresses or ranges.

5. Active Directory Integration

NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager simplifies PKI user and group management through integration with Microsoft Active Directory. This allows organizations to map Active Directory groups to target system groups, ensuring that certificate access permissions are properly managed. Granular access control can be applied, limiting user access to specific certificate functions based on roles and responsibilities.

NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager Infographic 2

Why Digital Certificates Are Essential in 5G Networks

The advent of 5G networks has expanded the attack surface for communications service providers (CSPs), making robust encryption and authentication mechanisms essential. Digital certificates play a vital role in securing communication across all layers of the 5G network, from base stations and application traffic to virtualized network functions.

5G networks rely on certificate-based security to authenticate entities and secure data in motion and at rest. Certificates are used for mutual transport layer security (mTLS), protecting API calls between different layers of the network, including containerized network functions (CNFs) and virtualized network functions (VNFs).

The complexity of 5G networks, combined with the growing number of connected devices and services, requires CSPs to adopt advanced certificate management solutions like NCLM. With NCLM, CSPs can automate the management of certificates, ensuring that security is maintained across all network layers and preventing potential breaches caused by expired or weak certificates.

Nokia’s NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager is a powerful tool for organizations looking to automate and secure their digital identity management processes. With its ability to manage certificates across multiple certification authorities, integrate with Active Directory, and streamline deployment processes, NCLM helps organizations reduce the risk of costly outages and security vulnerabilities. As businesses adopt increasingly complex network infrastructures, particularly with the rollout of 5G, solutions like NCLM will be critical to maintaining network integrity and ensuring secure communication across the enterprise.

By automating the certificate lifecycle management process, NetGuard Certificate Lifecycle Manager enhances network security, improves operational efficiency, and reduces the burden on IT and security teams. In an era where digital identities and certificates are more crucial than ever, NCLM offers a robust, scalable solution for modern network security challenges.

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Infinity Technology Solutions specializes in broadband and critical communications infrastructure development. We help our channel partners create and deploy private wireless, microwave backhaul, IP/MPLS, and optical networking technologies.

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